... Prambors photo shoot ...

Like I told you before in one of my post,
we all have photoshoot on our office
as usually, we use it for fun hehehe.

This is some of our photoshoot!
maybe you already familiar with some of this people

Mia, Ethel, Me, Intan, Nisaa, Kiky, Jaqueline

Mia, Kiky, Ethel, Me, Intan, Nisaa, Boya, Jaqueline, Utha

Front: Dhani, Andari, Nisaa, Me, Zara, Jaqueline, Intan, Utha, Melissa, Nimas
Back: Adit, Aji, Mia, Ethel, Kiky, Kun, Genda, Boya, Resi

Front: Ethel, Me, Niken, Intan, Andari, Jaqueline
Back : Adit, Kiky, Boya, Genda, Utha, Okki, Junas

And this is some of my photoshoot!

Eric Cantona tees-my bro, leopard cardi-momo, leather jacket-melawai, latex legging-n.y.l.a, brown boots-garage store


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