... GF Fashion Academy ...

Everything you need to know about fashion and working in fashion industry

April 24th 2010, 18.00 - end @ Fountain Area Plaza Senayan
with Chitra Subijakto, Nina Nikicio, Widya (Bloop Endorse) + GF Fashion and Beauty Editor

u can send an email to fashionacademy@girlfriendindonesia.com to get the invitation!

C u there!


  1. do i need some kind of invitation for this or could i just come in? please tell me ASAP :)

  2. haii Putri. buat invitationnya kamu bisa email ke fashionacademy@girlfriendindonesia.com. moga2 masih bisa ikutan yaa :)

  3. yyuuhhuuu,aq nunggu postingan kamu aja deh taz,, hehehehe take some pict yah :P
