... Twisted an art exhibition ...

An art exhbition by:
Emte, Reren and Cocot
@ Galeri Nasional

It's about the horror thingsss!!!!

The artist with the curator - Ade Darmawan and the person from GalNas

Emte with his beloved Lala. uhuuuy :)

Me with Emte in front of his masterpiece hihihihi

These are several masterpiece from EmTe, Cocot and Reren

Wanna see more of their art?
Come to Twisted an art exhibition @ Galeri Nasional :)


  1. salm kenal mb titaz...
    seru tuh poto2nya..

    have a nice day

  2. hai Faizaa..
    salam kenal jugaaa :)
    itu foto2 di pameran Twisted, di Galeri Nasional.
    kalo sempet datang yaaa :)

  3. emte emang gilaaaa gambarnya keren banget ! :D

  4. yoii bangeeet, Ariiin. gambarnya emang oke. gue suka sejak melihat karyanya di Seventeen :)
