Blur! What can I say about this British band?
Hm.. they're one of my favorite band, beside Nirvana.
I grew up with their songs.
Graham Coxon and Damon Albarn is soooo hot *winkwinkwink
And when they came to Jakarta - Indonesia, to perform at Big Sound Festival, along with Temper Trap, Tegan & Sara, Vanshe... I'm reaaaaaallly excited!!!
And... before see them perform, I had a chance to interviewed Graham and Alex James. Whoaaa Whoaa Whoaa!! Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to take a picture with them. The rules is so strict. Hiks.. But I'm so happy can meet them. Aaaand... Graham said to me that I have a very stylish glasses. Oh yeah yeah yeah! OMG :)
Thank you for coming to Jakarta!!!
Dear Graham and Damon,
you just made my one of my dreams came true!
God bless you!
God bless you!
Thank you for Dyandra who bring them. God bless to you too :)
Before go to Britain, let's pose in front of it. Who know it will be an opening for me to go to Britain!
Black dress - La Doche Vita | Printed bodycon as inner - Forever 21 | Red Tassels Necklace - Mika
Suprise! After the concert I got snap by MNC Fashion team!
Well, MNC Fashion is a tv programme about fashion in Indovision.
They snap the stylish people in every show, event or maybe on the street. So be stylist everywhere, you never know who will snap you :)
This is my 3rd time get snapped. 1st at Lenka's Concert, 2nd at Sigur Ros Concert and the last time is at Blur concert. Is it mean that I'm stylish? Hihihihi. just kidding :)
Thank you, God, for this opportunity :)
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