... #TitazCraftyProject / Woven Bracelets ...

From this weekend, I push my self to make some #TitazCraftyProject on every weekend.
#TitazCraftyProject is a small craft project. I will make some craft things for the weekend. Hopefully every weekend I made one project. Amin. Since my mood sometimes can be swing around, I shud push my self to be discipline about that hehehehe.

My 1st project is woven bracelets. Made some simple bracelets using chain and colorful threads.
At first I feel it's not easy to made. But I'm trying and voilaaa! I can make 2 hahahaha.
I got lots of positive comments from my friends when I posted into my social media. I'm proud hehehehe ♡

Will made the same woven bracelets for my friends next week!


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